Kieji - Places to be main page More about Kieji the Kieji care how to become a certified kieji practitioner en françaiscontact kieji

Welcome. As a Kieji practitioner you are part of an elite dedicated to luxury and well-being of demanding customers.

You are unique.

For each country, we establish a maximum number of Kieji practitioners. We take as reference the number of five stars and above hotels. For example, in France, there are now 605 institutions that meet our criterias. So that three practitioners can work in each hotel or spas, we multiply this number by three. Which means that, in our example, there will be only 1815 Kieji practitioners in France.

    Why so few Kieji practitioners ?

  • Kieji is rare and exclusive. By comparison, 86,500 physiotherapists, 15,500 osteopaths and tens of thousands relaxation practitioners practice massages in France. Where you'd be a practitioner among 150,000, you will be only 1 among 1815 selected practitioners. This means that you will be part of excellence as it should be in the luxury field to guarantee our customers a refined, professional, human and very upscale service.

  • We train practitioners individually. We value human relationships and the quality of training. Kieji is more than a care. You'll be part of a selected group of certified practitioners where competence, mutual support, respect of human and monitoring are essential.

  • In order for everyone to work in a serene spirit, dedicated to satisfying our customers, the very small number of practitioners Kieji is an asset to you, your employers and your clients.
  • The Kieji care is also allowed after approval from us in private places such as yachts, high end dwellings, luxury spaces etc...

Ho to apply?

As a freelance or an employee our business system is based on a know how licence. We select our future Kieji practitioners on record. The criterias include experience in the luxury and well-being industry, style, the state of mind and other features which will be discussed during our meeting. We attach great importance to humans. During your training and your Kieji career, there will always be someone to accompany you.
To apply it is very simple. Please send to the following :

1. Name and surname
2. Cover letter. Tell us why you want to become a Kieji practitioner.
3. CV - with address and phone number
4. A photo.

If your application is accepted, initially, we will practice an oral interview, usually in Paris or Le Mans depending on your location or by phone. After this interview, you will be notified after a week, of acceptance or not of your application to become a Kieji practitioner. We do not justify the refusals.


Your mission

You are Freelance ?
To ensure the spirit of the Kieji care, you will necessarily intervene either in 5 stars and above hotels, in the room or at the spa. For any other proposal, in prestigious locations such as individual spas, parties in private homes, a yacht etc ... thank you for contacting us first. We want to ensure that the care is given exclusively in high end spaces.

You are employed at the spa of a five star hotel or palace?
First, inform your employer of your wish to attend this course. If the answer is positive two cases:

1. Your employer is likely to include it in its cares offer.
We offer demonstrations at your workplace. Your employer, most of the time the manager of the spa or the hotel manager, must contact us at so I can explain the terms of the care. We will then draw up a contract sealing the cooperation between Kieji and the establishment.
If you are employed by private individuals, as eg a well being coach, thank you for contacting us and tell us who you work for and where, so that we can validate your place of care.

2. You want to become a certified Kieji practitioner as an individual to enrich your range of services and skills?
In this case you can apply immediately to including the informations requested above. We will take in consideration your application with pleasure and quickly. We place great emphasis on rarity, human qualities and skills of Kieji certified practitioners.


Excellence is to be shown.

Each certified Kieji practitioner is awarded a certificate and a small round metal badge with the Kieji logo in its center. This badge demonstrates your excellence, your skill and rarity. It is mandatory to wear during a treatment and optional outside, although highly recommended.

After a number of sessions performed (a chart will be given to you during your training), the practitioner changes level. A new badge (the color is different depending on the level) will be issued along with a new certificate free of charge. The higher your level is, the higher the price you will charge for a Kieji care.

You represent Kieji worldwide. Be as proud to be a member of Kieji as we are proud of you.


The validation

After your training, we validate your skills with a written test, an oral interview and several Kieji care sessions. This gives us the opportunity to correct certain points which would need improvements.. We will always be there for you with a positive spirit so that we go forward together

We always keep in mind that our goal is to offer our customers an experience of well-being exclusive and high-end with a selected and professional practitioner like you.


The communication

We send a personalized letter to each hotel manager, palace and spas responsible to inform them of the existence of Kieji and offer them a free Kieji care. Once you are certified, we will activate again the network, depending on your place of business, including via social networks.


At what price should you offer the Kieji care?

The base price is fixed and is the same everywhere: 350 euros incl. VAT for a one hour care.

The more you sessions you give the more you gain experience. The base price you propose changes according to your level of experience on a fixed fee schedule. As a freelance, you will not be forced to increase your rates. It's just an opportunity that is offered. If you are employed, we will notify your employer of your level change so that he may take your new level of experience in consideration.

This involves sending us a daily record of all your sessions. Everything will be explained in detail during training.


How to become a certified Kieji practitioner?

Once your application is selected, we will put in place together your 20 hours training schedule along with the signature of a contract. The training takes place either at your workplace or in the center of Le Mans (France) in a XIXth century apartment of 65 m2, nicely decorated and quiet, on the foundations of an old convent of the XVIIth century.


Being a Kieji certified practitioner.

Our cooperation will be sealed with a clear know how contract. The know how licence includes your 20 hours individual training, a lifetime professional support, permanent contact and all you need to start including excellent surprises we will discuss about. The cost is 1990 euros excluding VAT. On demand, we accept interest-free instalments.
For using the name and the technique there is an annual license fee of 1000 euros. No matter how many Kieji sessions you give Again and again, I believe in a positive human nature and in the possibility on a one to one business and human relation between you, me and the people supporting Kieji. That is also why we decided to train an extremely limited number of practitioners moreover individually instead of having rooms filled with candidates we couldn’t follow or speak to on a regular basis. Luxury is all about exclusivity and rarity. You’re part of this by joining Kieji.


Your future within Kieji

We will always be there to support you in your evolution as part of the same group advancing in the same direction. Several opportunities will become available to you as you progress in your Kieji experience. We will need referents to support and monitor the new certified practitioners. And for the more motivated and experienced of you, Kieji trainers.

Hope to see you figure soon among our proud Kieji members.

Christophe Tissier
Founder of Kieji

Kieji - Places to be

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